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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Warming Tempers

The cracks are widening in the armor of the global warming cult. When an already shaky concept--one which doesn't even meet the basic scientific criteria for a hypothesis, let alone a theory or fact--is openly ridiculed in public forums, it's headed for the dust bin:

Colorado State University's William Gray, one of the nation's preeminent hurricane forecasters, called noted Boulder climate researcher Kevin Trenberth an opportunist and a Svengali who "sold his soul to the devil to get (global warming) research funding."

Trenberth countered that Gray is not a credible scientist.

So his response boils down to "DID NOT!!!" How professional.

Anthropogenic global warming is nose-diving towards the Dumpster of Doom, where it will join global famine, a new ice age, Rachel Carson, rampant deforestation, punctured ozone layers, the AIDS plague, and all the other retired doomsters. I used to find it amazing that people swallow the same old reheated psuedoscience swill over and over. Now I just find it depressing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We could only get so lucky. The problem is that common sense is no longer common, or the popular thing to even have. It's just not PC!


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