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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Danish Bandwagon

Yesterday we linked to a site showing support for Denmark's freedom of speech fight against the followers of Mohammad.

Now it looks like the muzzies are getting bitch-slapped by the European press as a whole. Good. It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of sociopathic misogynists.

Says the editor of the France Soir:

"Just because the Koran bans images of Mohammed doesn't mean non-Muslims have to submit to this."

Therein lies the problem. While the truth of such a statement is perfectly obvious to any rational, thinking citizen of any modern Western country, the muzzies just don't get it. They're still living in the 7th century, and steadfastly refuse to move into the 21st.

Unfortunately for them, that narrows our options considerably when dealing with them, and it's not in their favor. While they may think they want a cultural war, a so-called jihad with the West, they're very badly mistaken on that point. They would not enjoy the inevitable outcome of any such confrontation.

Adapt or die. Every extant modern religion has chosen the former option in centuries past. You must now choose, Islam. You're not going to convert everyone into your overgrown medieval hate cult; that's simply not an option. You can either start policing your own and living in peace with people who disagree with you, or we can start wiping you off the face of the planet.

Your move.

(Hat-tip to Michael Y.)


Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

As a comedian once said "If you don't think God has a since of humor, just look at the platypus." Somehow I doubt Mohammed would be all that upset about having cartoons drawn about him by non-Muslims. Seeing as he was a merchant he probably would have enjoyed the free advertising.

It's like the insecure kid in middle school who screams "Stop making fun of me!" as he trips over his own foot. If your secure in your belief don’t worry about what other people think. After all, what does the Muslim religion say about those who die without being a Muslim? I’m sure it has something to do with eternal torment or something like that. I mean, what more can you do to them. Logic would tend to indicate that the great almighty would prefer they live as long as possible to give them every chance to convert.

To restate what Jar(egg)head said. If you want us to take off the padded gloves we’ve been hitting you with, by all means, keep pushing. We’ll gladly pull off the padded gloves to expose the metal gauntlets. And quite frankly, if we don’t someone else will. I doubt China will put up with your antics for any length of time.

Blogger JW said...

"Stop blowing your self’s up we are running out of virgins!"
Ah, bout spit my coffee out, that was good.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

His little weiner is under his armpit? Wow, things are becoming clearer, now... I'd be mad as hell, too. =oP

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enough lessons from these reactionary bigots! Great. I dig how these people hold the nation of Denmark and the EU responsible for what a privately owned media company publishes. I guess when everything is controlled by the theocratic state the concept of a FREE and INDEPENDENT press is unknown.

And as far as being offended because "the prophet" (lower case on purpose) is being depicted . . . well honor killings honor rape, female circumsion, madrasas, Wahabism, anti-semitism, terrorism and most everything else from their portion of the world (except for the food, I love Babaganosh) offends me. But don't draw a picture of Mohammad. Whatever. Reactionary bigots.

Blogger Banduar said...

Funny how they hold an entire country's government and private enterprises responsible for the opinions of a few cartoonists, yet then complain of the association of their culture with the blatant barbarism that so permeates it.

Here's a clue: using threats of kidnappings and murder in order to demand an apology just proves that the cartoonists were right on the money.

Blogger mman said...

I heard about this via CNN and couldn't believe my frikkin ears. If someone wants to criticize my beliefs or lack of beliefs I don't go jihad on them, I try to hear them out, it's possible not likely they might have a point.
These dudes just don't do much thinking for themselves I guess. And as you put it so well they are living in a different epoch.

Blogger JW said...

Oya, remember this offended Waco’s blew up those Buddha’s in Afghanistan. That offended me and I’m an Atheist.


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