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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sinking de Muddo

Yeah, laugh it up, chuckles. Meanwhile, illegal Mexican immigrants are still flowing across our border in an ever-increasing deluge. Ironically, the root cause of this problem is seated firmly in what the Mexicans misguidedly celebrate on this day, "Cinco de Mayo."

In 1861, Napoleon III of France sent a small expeditionary force to Mexico to collect debts that were legally owed and agreed to by the government of Mexico. The Mexicans, being none too bright when it comes to their own welfare, decided to attack the troops of one of the largest European powers, and succeeded in largely wiping out the small force on the 5th of May, 1862. This had the effect of enraging Napoleon III, who promptly sent over five times the troop strength, with which he immediately proceeded to conquer Mexico City, unseat the government, and install a European-style dynasty--the so-called "Maxmillians," who still rule Mexico to this day. The sham of a "democracy" is nothing more than a cover for the continuing rule of European dynastic descendents. I dare you to look at Vincente Fox and find a trace of native American blood in him.

The net effect is that the Mexicans ill-advisedly attacked a powerful foreign nation, failed to stop the subsequent and fully justifiable invasion and conquest, became serf subjects of an enforced European feudal society, and as a consequence still remain impoverished to this day. Worse, instead of supporting the few smatterings of common sense that some Mexicans have shown in the past century--such as the Chiapas Rebellion--they decide to spend every May 5th celebrating their "victory" by getting drunk. And now they want to make it a de facto American holiday.

Ah, sorry, muchachos... We only celebrate our victories. Of course, you don't have any of those, so I suppose your confusion is understandable. Besides, something of far, far greater importance happened on May 5th: my own, dear mother was born. Happy Birthday, Mom!


Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

Tell her I said Happy Birthday. :-)


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