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Tuesday, May 03, 2005


People who fight dogs aren't even human, so far as I'm concerned. They are sub-species mutants who should be removed from the gene pool--and I'll be happy to provide the service if I ever encounter any of them. While I've occasionally met a dog I didn't like, it's pretty rare. People that I dislike, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen. I can simply go to the grocery store and find several people I dislike--though it's usually because they're too stupid to tie their own shoes, not due to cruelty. Dogs, however, almost without exception, are loyal and loving companions if given even half a chance to be so.

The following link takes you to the story of a red pit named Gypsy who was dumped on the side of the road to die after a dogfight, severely mangled and unable to move on her own. She could barely even whimper when the lady who found her picked her up and took her to the vet. She was saved, but lost a leg and will be severely deformed, even if she survives the continuing battery of surgeries and the battle to get enough nourishment through her horribly mangled muzzle.

Be warned: the photos that accompany this article--especially the post-surgery and most current photos under a separate link, which show that much of her skin is literally rotting off due to extreme injury--are very graphic and heart-wrenching. If you're a dog lover, I guarantee the pictures will bring tears of rage to your eyes, and make you want to strangle with your bare hands the sub-human fuckwad who committed this atrocity. (Public Service Announcement: If you're at work, you may want to wait until you're home and assured of being alone, because I just yelled at and chased away the last two people who made the mistake of knocking on my office door. It's that infuriating.)

You will have to use Internet Explorer to view the site properly, as it is not correctly adapted for Firefox. Click here.


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