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Friday, February 18, 2005

Class Action Fairness Act of 2005

Bring out the good scotch and enjoy a celebratory drink: Bush just bitch-slapped the greedy tort lawyers who have been attempting to ruin our civil courts system for the past two decades. And there's more to come, too.

Knowing that thousands of tort lawyers just had a really bad day makes me feel warm all over.


Blogger Fundy said...

Have you no compassion? Those Poor Tort Lawyers will have a tougher time paying off their college debt, Porsche debt, Mansion debt and of course the strip club tab. Now those people who have earned the right, by graduating from a liberal education system, to live high on the hog, now have restrictions on how much you can rip someone off in the name of justice. Ohhh I can feel their pain…………………..NOT

On another note I’ll pass on the Scotch, but will do the Snoopy dance!

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Well, then I'll drink your scotch for you. It'll be a chore, but ya know... what are friends for?

I'll have you know, however, that you ruined me forever for Jim Beam. Remember the '89 deployment to the Rock? Can't stand the taste of Beam to this day. I think we kept that distillery in business for a few months, Fundy. :)

Blogger Fundy said...

Let’s see 89 the Rock, hey that's the year that bitch left me for air wing puke. Now I remember why we drank so much! That was not even the worst of it. When Kimche got out he introduced me to Bookers. It took two years of drinking that stuff to realize that it was a sipping whiskey not to be utilized for shots.

Hell as I right this I’m sipping Jim Beam; still have a very high tolerance for it after the 89 deployment. Now all I need is some chicken Yakisoba to complete the trip down the OKI memory lane.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Oh, now you had to go and mention yakisoba, didn't you? Here I am, browsing the intarweb at midnight on a Saturday, putting a considerabe dent in a very large jug of California burgundy table wine, with nothing more in my stomach than catered food from a wedding we attended earlier today. I could really, really use some of that Kinville yakisoba right about now.

I tried cooking yakisoba a couple of times. You'd think it'd be a relatively simple matter for someone who can cook French, German and Italian to die for without even breaking a sweat, but I swear that's the hardest stuff to prepare in the world of culinary art. Hell, it's nothing but fast food in Japan. Still I can't get it right.

I think I'd pay serious money to have some young jarhead ship me 50 lbs. of the stuff on dry ice. Ambrosia, I tell you.


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