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Monday, February 07, 2005

Blow It Up

I really hoped we'd heard the last of this asshat.

Here's a clip from his most recent bleating, published in the Washington Post:

"Nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran would be a grave danger to the world. That is not what is in doubt," he wrote.

"What is in doubt is the ability (of) the U.S. government to honestly assess Iran's nuclear status and to craft a set of measures that will cope with that threat short of military action by the United States or Israel," [David] Kay added.

"It is nonsense to talk about eliminating Iran's nuclear capabilities short of war and occupation," said Kay, who urged the administration to rely on U.N. weapons inspectors to uncover any future weapons violations.

"The goal ... is to craft a set of tools and transparency methods that so tie Iran's nuclear activities to the larger world of peaceful nuclear activities that any attempt to push ahead on the weapons front would be detectable."

Yes, because the U.N. proved so reliable and effective during twelve years of sanctions against Iraq. They certainly gave Hussein plenty of time to hide and/or export anything he may have had in the way of bio-chem weaponry. If that was their goal, (as well as allowing the French and Germans to make several billion dollars off of illegal weapons sales to Hussein), then bravo! They succeeded in grand fashion.

Here's a much more reliable way to be sure the Iranians can't build a breeder reactor, (it was proven by the Israeli Air Force in 1981): blow it up. If it's lying in ruins, it can't produce weapons-grade plutonium-- not today, not tomorrow, not fifty years from now.

If the Iranians need electrical power, they're sitting on more raw petroleum than virtually anyone else in the world. They need a nuclear power generator like we need more wheat fields.


Blogger Fundy said...

What a hack! He did not find any WMDs in Iraq, doh…. he forgot to interview Nizar Nayyouf, an exiled Syrian journalist. Maybe that would have helped locate them, but wait did he really want to find them? That is the real question.

I think I am in love with his thought process, since he was incapable of finding WMDs then all intel is to be dismissed until the UN (mighty savior of the world) says it Ok? By the time it is confirmed (wait they will not confirm, then they would have to take a stand, kind of like the Sudan paper published) by the UN (mighty savior of the world) there will be a mushroom cloud in our backyard. So kids do not forget your sunglasses! :-)


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