Just Tooling Around
I'm not just sittin' around, watching baseball and drinking, you know. I'm having a productive vacation, which included nine hours of cleaning the garage, primarily so I could install this new tool rack. It's 16 feet of pegboard, gloriously adorned with tools both shiny and grimy. This is phase one in the conversion of the third garage bay into ManCraft Labs, Inc., specializing in Jap motorcycle restoration. Phase two is planned for this summer and includes non-skid flooring, butcherblock workbench, airtool racks and a big ol' vise. Step three will be shop lighting and hardpiped drops from a new vertical compressor mounted in the attic. (The wife unit has not as yet been made aware of the existence of phase three, so keep that behind your teeth.)
You are being jealous of my toolishness? No? Well, it looks bigger in person.

You are being jealous of my toolishness? No? Well, it looks bigger in person.

That is impressive. Do you have any old Jap bike projects on the horizon? Please post. Drooling over bike restoration projects is the reason the internet exist. It’s good to see the old CB1100 is still around :)
Thanks! The CB is more or less recovered now, but no new projects underway as yet. I'm saving the coins for equipment until the shop is fully ready for work. Right tools and all that.
I've seen a couple of ratty-looking 80s Interceptors come across the Trader website that really tempted me, but I discovered years ago that benching a carburetor without a properly-appointed bench is a royal pain in the ass. Likewise for the lack of a vise. Metalworking without a vise is like sex without balls: frustrating and pointless.
I'm trying to be patient. Rest assured, however, that when I get the first project bike underway, you'll get plenty of progress photos.
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