Bitch Fight!
Eating their own:
If your gender serves as the core of your identity, you are a miserable failure at life. Your neurotic insistence that everyone should take a peek at your crotch before speaking to you only highlights your lack of real accomplishments.
As a connoisseur of leftist cannibalism, I enjoy watching the internecine squabbling of groups competing for the top spot on the hierarchy of oppression as if they were puppies stepping on one another’s necks straining for a tug on the warm teat of sympathy.
Male-to-female transsexuals—who, as luck would have it, have always constituted the vast majority of those who feel they were born wearing the wrong genital costumery—have recently emerged as perhaps the most rabidly militant of all identity groups strung along the vast fractured progressive rainbow. In their manic quest to force the world into parroting the obvious lie that they are women, they have stumbled upon an unexpected foe—radical feminists who have real, God-given vaginas.
This is a struggle—laden with a hilarious level of acrimony—between men who insist they’re women and women who insist that the most crucial part of being a woman involves popping out of your mother’s vagina with a vagina of your own. The latter group is disparagingly referred to as TERFs—Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists—due to the fact that they feel male-to-female trannies are trying to party-crash their struggle against historical oppression. The TERFs argue that for men to pretend they’re women is insulting to real women. To them, it is a genital form of blackface.
If your gender serves as the core of your identity, you are a miserable failure at life. Your neurotic insistence that everyone should take a peek at your crotch before speaking to you only highlights your lack of real accomplishments.
Don't think for a minute that this transgender issue is anything other than the high priests of the gay male religion using another avenue to keep their gay agenda in the news and media. Their religion, like many religions, is used to enrich and empower a few high priests (from the Keynes at Harvard book I would say Harvard is gay mecca) while the disciples pay their dues and blindly support a belief system with no understanding of what it's really about. In 20 years it will be a group of delusional dupes saying they are transwolves and demanding a right to piss on the bathroom entry door post since they shouldn't have the fingers to open the door.
You know, those old ground level long urinals at the Astrodome would have worked perfect, and I don't think there were doors to enter. There you go, a purpose to keep the dome. Transwolves from all over can come to Houston to piss in the transwolf compatible dome bathrooms. I'm thinking we could even put fire hydrants in there to make it feel even more accommodating.
Given that over 40% of transgender people try to kill themselves while only a little over 30% manage to do that successfully suggests that these are not real smart or stable people.
Transwolf rights NOW! Don't bow down to the monkeys, pack brothers. Grrrr power!
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