Whoda Thunk It
For some reason, nationalizing industries and price controls didn't work....again.
Robbers target food delivery trucks in shortage-hit Venezuela
How many times are the central planners, Progressives, Socialists/Communists, going to try this before they realize it just won't work? Apparently, one more time.President Nicolas Maduro blames the scarcities on an "economic war" waged by right-wing foes trying to topple his socialist government. This week, he announced yet another crackdown on hoarders and contrabandists who sell price-fixed goods in Colombia for a tidy profit.
Socialism is unique in human civilization in that it holds equal appeal for both despots and fools. Just when you think it's finally going away, it pops up again as a whole new crop of useful idiots and would-be dictators discover its "virtues."
Much like the common cold, socialism appears impossible to kill off entirely. I doubt we'll ever be free of it, so the next best option is quarantine. That's one of the great promises of interstellar travel: we can set up colonies where like-minded morons can go to wallow in their own messes, leaving the rest of us to get on with the business of conquering the universe.
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