RIP Tom Clancy

Pretty much everything he wrote was great, but if I had to pick a favorite it would probably be Red Rabbit. A lot of his fans didn't like it, but that's largely because it's not the over-the-top action superspy type of story which made him famous. It's a thoughtful, deliberate Cold War espionage thriller in a very similar vein to much of John Le Carre's work. Very light on the gunplay, but heavy on the realistic spy work. I can understand why that bores many people, especially modern audiences, but I find it fascinating.
In any case, rest in peace, Tom. Your stories gave me many hours of memorable entertainment.
Red Storm Rising. Mostly because it involved tank-buster squads, something close to my heart. I am amazed at how he was able to write detailed and accurate stories from unclassified sources. A true genius.
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