Seen in an Australian shopping mall:

Umm... no. That's what we in Texas call "puttin' the cart before the horse," Dr Justin. One would think a "doctor" would have a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship.
The problem is a declining lack of basic courtesy and manners, a symptom of which is people failing to control their spawn in public (and private, for that matter). It's also a result of mush-minded liberal viewpoints on raising children. Forty years ago, acting the little monster in public would get a child yanked up by the arm and suspended in mid-air while Mom's hand was applied forcefully and vigorously to the backside of said little monster. Nowadays, such an appropriate application of discipline will cause a hue-and-cry to arise from the dolts who pass themselves off as "enlightened progressives."

Parenting expert Dr Justin Coulson said it was a reflection on society becoming increasingly intolerant of young children and parents.
Umm... no. That's what we in Texas call "puttin' the cart before the horse," Dr Justin. One would think a "doctor" would have a better understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship.
The problem is a declining lack of basic courtesy and manners, a symptom of which is people failing to control their spawn in public (and private, for that matter). It's also a result of mush-minded liberal viewpoints on raising children. Forty years ago, acting the little monster in public would get a child yanked up by the arm and suspended in mid-air while Mom's hand was applied forcefully and vigorously to the backside of said little monster. Nowadays, such an appropriate application of discipline will cause a hue-and-cry to arise from the dolts who pass themselves off as "enlightened progressives."
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