You're Dead
It say's so right here...
We've now descended so far into bureaucratic hell that you have to hand a civil service drone an official piece of paper -- in person! -- to prove that you're still alive and kicking. Ain't government grand?
Imagine the perverse possibilities under Obamacare...
Accident Victim: "My arm's broke and I'm bleeding profusely. Please fix it!"
Medicrat: "I'm sorry, you're dead. We can't treat dead people."
Victim: "Not yet I'm not! I'm right here!"
Medicrat: "I'm sorry, you're dead. We can't treat dead people."
Victim: *bleeds to death in waiting room*
Terri Penza was alarmed to find out, on the eve of an April trip to Jamaica, that she couldn't renew her passport because she was dead.
At least that's what U.S. passport officials and the Social Security Administration believed.
And at the time, Penza had to guess that it was an erroneous report of her death that was blocking her passport renewal, because officials would not tell her what was going on.
So with just days before the trip, Penza went to the Social Security office near New Castle, which confirmed that sometime in 2008 she was falsely listed as deceased. The office then provided Penza with a letter certifying that she had provided the proper documents "to correct a false report of death." And upon presenting that to officials in Philadelphia, Penza got her passport...
We've now descended so far into bureaucratic hell that you have to hand a civil service drone an official piece of paper -- in person! -- to prove that you're still alive and kicking. Ain't government grand?
Imagine the perverse possibilities under Obamacare...
Accident Victim: "My arm's broke and I'm bleeding profusely. Please fix it!"
Medicrat: "I'm sorry, you're dead. We can't treat dead people."
Victim: "Not yet I'm not! I'm right here!"
Medicrat: "I'm sorry, you're dead. We can't treat dead people."
Victim: *bleeds to death in waiting room*
It amazed me that when my mother died in 2001 all it took was a single phone call to Social Security to have her checks stopped. They didn't ask for any proof that I was her son or a certificate of death. I just told them that she had died and they said ok and stopped sending checks.
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