Math Superfreak
Not that clever, really...
It's the roaches that give him his Superfreaky Math Powers...

And the eyebrows. My God, the eyebrows!
A Russian said to be the world's cleverest man has turned down a $1 million prize for solving one of mathematics' toughest puzzles.
Dr Grigory Perelman, 44, who lives as a recluse in a cockroach-infested flat in St Petersburg, said through the closed door: "I have all I want."
The prize, the equivalent of £660,000, was given by the US Clay Mathematics Institute for solving the Poincare Conjecture...
Neighbour Vera Petrovna said: "I was once in his flat and I was astounded. He only has a table, a stool and a bed with a dirty mattress which was left by previous owners - alcoholics who sold the flat to him.
"We are trying to get rid of cockroaches in our block, but they hide in his flat."
It's the roaches that give him his Superfreaky Math Powers...

And the eyebrows. My God, the eyebrows!
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