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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

No Barbarians Allowed

Wonder of wonders, I actually agree with Quebecers about something, (other than poutain being damned tasty, that is...):

Immigrants wishing to live in the small Canadian town of Herouxville, Quebec, must not stone women to death in public, burn them alive or throw acid on them, according to an extraordinary set of rules released by the local council.

"[We] consider it completely outside these norms to ... kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them etc."

[The] declaration ... makes clear women are allowed to drive, vote, dance, write checks, dress how they want, work and own property.

Well, that sounds quite reasonable, doesn't it? Still, it's apparently upset some people:

The declaration, published on the town's Web site, has deepened tensions in the predominantly French-speaking province over how tolerant Quebecers should be toward the customs and traditions of immigrants.

I wonder who the aggrieved individuals might be? Perhaps Eastern Orthodox Christian immigrants?

Nope? Not them, huh?

Maybe it was some of those crazy asian Buddhists. They're always stirring up trouble with their weird practices and overbea-- What? Not them, either?

Then it must be those Hare Krishna freaks. I knew they were hiding something under those robes!


Well then, who is it that's upset over being told not to mutilate women?

Salam Elmenyawi, president of the Muslim Council of Montreal, said the declaration had "set the clock back for decades" as far as race relations were concerned.

No! Surely not the Religion of Peace™! Say it isn't so!

And once again, Mr. Elmenyawi, RELIGION ≠ RACE.

"I was shocked and insulted to see these kinds of false stereotypes and ignorance about Islam and our religion..."

Yes... that horrible, unjustified stereotype. They should pick on those Hindu suicide bombers, and the Christians who bring down skyscrapers full of civilians, and the Buddhists who riot and kill over every perceived slight to Siddhārtha Buddha.

You're right; Muslims are so misjudged.


Blogger Banduar said...

Hmm.. if the rules in the declaration are based on "false stereotypes", then why did the Muslum Council feel the need to take a stand against them? Does the declaration mention these as Muslim practices specifically? Even if the rules are indeed based on false assumptions about your particular religion, why take exception? If these are no longer the practices of Muslims, then there shouldn't be a problem prohibiting them, should they?

I find it extremely ironic that a declaration that women are to be treated equally is accused of "setting back the clock." If it were setting back the clock, it would be denying women of equal rights. It is a well known fact that women in Muslim countries are denied basic rights and are treated as second class citizens.

Anyone moving to a new place needs to accept that they must become part of its culture. That means accepting THEIR beliefs and ideals, not forcing them to accept YOURS. In all this talk of offending immigrants, is anyone talking about offending the locals who have lived and worked there their whole lives?

This town has a right to make a declaration about the community's shared values. If your beliefs run contrary to those values, then just don't live there.


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