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Monday, January 29, 2007

Slow Wit Down


...another problem some citizens have with the speed humps is their name, which has sexual connotations. A caller to Public Works recently informed Campbell that in regards to the “speed hump” warning signs on Sunset Avenue, "I’m pretty open-minded, but that’s offensive."

Au contraire, sir! (or madame...)

You are not, in fact, open-minded. I submit that you are actually a closed-minded, sexually repressed busybody, who has nothing better to do than display his weird and baffling neuroses to the entire world.

Now go back in your house and don't come out again, lest we send the StupidPolice™ 'round to beat you with their Fatuous Sticks.


Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

It comes to mind that in order to find offense with the name in question based off of sexual reference, one would have to be incapable of performing the act being referenced. If indeed that is the issue then it is a matter of personal insecurity and not something that is worthy of public attention.

To further address the reference one must look at it's basic flaw. Doing the referenced act in a speedy manner is usually by accident. Only in incidents involving multiple partners, married partners of which you are not the spouse, partners at work while others are at lunch and partners picked up quickly due to imminent peril that you feel is unavoidable. In the later case it is normal to engage in the referenced act until such time as you fall prey to the peril. Examples of qualifying peril include but are not limited to:
-Airplane cashes when you are on the airplane.
-The sun going Nova.
-Stuck on a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean.
-And imminent attack by small furry bunny rabbits with very large pointy teeth (If you have high explosives in your possession use them first before deciding if you should engage in the referenced act).

I do realize that this is all a bit silly but the person who commented in the original article did start it.

Blogger Banduar said...

I think this comic just about sums up this person's mentality:

“I assume ‘Rorschach’ is the German word for ‘filth’…?”

Like beauty, perversion is in the eye of the beholder. If someone's perception of the world is full of offensive sexual references, then they are probably sexually repressed or frustrated (or just a horn dog). Those who are comfortable with their sexuality aren't usually offended by sexual references, nor do they need to look for them where they do not exist.

I suppose this person will want camels banned from their zoo next? …and cigars from public stores? Unless its just a cigar, that is. No, wait.. better be safe. Someone might do something perverted with that cigar, and we can’t have that now, can we?


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