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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Without DeLay

This pegged the ol' Polit-O-Meter against the right stop:

"we have been chosen to live as Christians at a time when our culture is being poisoned. ... God made us specifically for it. ... Jesus Christ himself made us just so that we could live in this nation at this time."

So... looking to retire from politics are you, Tom?

Hey, at least he's honest about it, instead of trying to pump a smoke-screen to obscure his personal beliefs in trade for political advantage. I categorically disagree with him, of course, but I respect the fact that he got up and stated his position, however wacky I may find it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

War on Christianity? Please. I'm sure that on my way to work I could count at least 50 churches and zero synagogues or mosques. This is typical of the christian right wing attempting to fire up its base by declaring they are under assault. Just in time for the mid-term elections. Last time I checked christians werent being rounded up into concentration(er) reeducation camps and shown the errors of their ways. And it will work for ol' Tom, he will be reelected.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

I'm not entirely certain that sort of zealous rhetoric will play well in Sugarland, which is the core of his district. That town is one of the going concerns of the Houston area in terms of expansion and white-collar growth. It hosts a number of very wealthy and successful corporations; with that increasing cosmopolitanism comes a wider range of political views than you might expect.

Oh, he'll certainly cement a portion of his voter base with such commentary; of that I've no doubt. I'm just pointing out that it may have as big a negative effect come polling time. Especially considering that a significant portion of the conservative voting base which gave the Republicans a huge majority and the executive branch in 2004 are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the complete lack of action and apparent increase in "business-as-usual" attitude in Washington. The Republicans are no longer standing on the solid political ground they were two years ago, and that goes double for DeLay. Whether the scandal was legitimate or a hatchet job is a moot point; the damage has been done.

I just know that were I DeLay's political strategist, I wouldn't be urging him toward any headlong rushes to the lunatic fringe of the right. I must therefore conclude that it was personal honesty rather than political grandstanding. I don't have any use for his ultra-conservative relgiosity, but neither will I condemn the man for voicing personal beliefs. And if it results in conscious political suicide, one could even say it is admirable, in a way.

Blogger Banduar said...

"We are, after all, a society that ... all but treats Christianity like some second-rate superstition."

If the shoe fits...

Anyway, this is no big suprise. Martyrdom is the primary currency of Christianity, and will continute to be regardless of the fact that they weild enormous amounts of political power. If they are so oppressed, then why are they the ones marching around with signs telling everyone ELSE what to do?


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