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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Carpe Queritor

Epileptics are having a fit over a sitcom:

When a recent Two and a Half Men episode on CBS featured womanizer Charlie (played by Charlie Sheen) faking epilepsy and describing himself as "damaged goods" whose wedding was canceled because he was "flopping around on the altar like an epileptic trout," Bardwell wasn't laughing.

"To hear someone on TV refer to my daughter as 'damaged goods' just broke my heart."

You want some cheese with that, Mr. Bardwell? Here's an idea: go rent a sense of humor. The entire world does not revolve around making you feel good about yourself. If it offends you, don't watch it.

This hyper-sensitivity among the American public is spiralling out of control. Somebody will always be offensive to somebody else. The Hand-Wringing Class needs to spend less time telling everyone how offended they are, and more time practising the old Christian truism of "turning the other cheek." Frankly, I'm tired of the constant, low whine in the background.


Blogger JW said...

Just the fact this guy watches the show Two and a Half Men on CBS
Tells me he should be Darwin’d out of society.


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