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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Firing Squad Up!

We've caught a deserter from my beloved Corps:

A U.S. citizen who deserted the Marine Corps 36 years ago rather than ship out to fight in Vietnam was arrested late last week and could face jail time.

"What are they going to do with a 55-year-old man that's baldheaded, broke down, mentally unstable? What more can you do to me?"

Hang you. By your miserable, worthless neck. Until you are quite thoroughly dead.

Unfortunately, that probably won't happen. So I'll settle for a public defrocking and the rest of your miserable life spent in Leavenworth, where you can turn big rocks into little rocks and contemplate the wages of cowardice.


Blogger Fundy said...

Why waste ammunition or brig space on this dirt bag? Just take him out to sea and throw him overboard with the trash!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now hang on a minute. I think you are being a bit harsh with the poor guy. Some people just aren't cut out for the military life. I deserted the army in 1972 when I was stationed in Germany and it was honestly the best decision I have ever made. Now I live with my beautiful wife and two great kids in Bucharest where I run small bakery. I love my life and it never would have happened if I hadn't left that miserable base all those years ago. So ease up you two, just because you liked the military doesnt mean its for everyone.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

The Marine Corps only takes volunteers.

Blogger JW said...

Why did you desert the army?

Blogger Banduar said...

Joining the military isn't like signing up for college.. you can't just decide to change your mind and drop out. Saying desertion isn't a serious issue is like saying a doctor's oath to his patients is "just a guideline." People that don't fulfill their promises can't be trusted, and without trust societies fall apart. What if your banker decided he didn't feel like keeping his promise to keep your money safe? Where would you be then?

Enjoy your quiet, peaceful life and remember that its only possible because of people who do take their oaths seriously, unlike you. Desertion may seem like it was a great decision for YOU, but exactly how did it benefit anyone else? Selfish bastard.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you call me a selfish bastard. As the great prophet Joseph Smith said, "no man knows my history." I was a soldier dammit. I served my country for close to 14 months. I don't think you understand what the situation was back in the early 1970s.

If I had stayed in the army and served my time I would have returned to America with no prospects. None.
With no family left, little formal education, and a serious speech impediment, you could say that I didnt really have many tools for success. And times being what they were, a military background would not exactly help. In Germany however, things were different. After living on the margins for a few years, I was able to make a life for myself, meet a beautiful woman, and begin to be someone of value.

I needed to do what was right for me. I am not a pacifist, nor did I believe the war in Vietnam was wrong or immoral, I thought then and still do now, that it was a just and necessary war. Living in Romania, I have seen up close what communisim does to a person's soul, to a country's soul. However, I faced a choice, probably much like the man in the original posting, I faced a choice between life, life on my own terms, or a living death. I choose life and a defy any reasonable man to take issue with my choice. Yes, my superiors and the number cruchers in the pentagon may have been adversley affected, but they got over it quickly, I assure you. There are only so many cooks that an army needs. One less didn't hurt anyone too badly.

Sorry for rambling, I have felt like i needed to get this off my chest for some time.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Just a quick note, guys. Here's the address this "deserter" in Bucharest is posting from:

c-67-176-24-90.hsd1.co.comcast.net (Comcast Cable Communications Inc)

Colorado, Denver, United States

Kinda troll-stinky...


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