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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Prize Fight

In the first corner, weighing in at 200+ pounds and sporting a bevy of dead weasels, that talentless pimple on the ass of society, Star Jones Reynolds.

In the other corner, wearing the pink and yellow trunks, PETA lawyers and an overweight drag queen.

Marvel at the spectacle.

Sometimes I think our culture deserves to be nuked out of existence.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fortunately, I watch TV so little these days that I don't even know who Star Jones Reynolds is, but at 200+ pounds, she can't be pretty. However, I do know of the fanatical animal worship religous group of PETA. My recommendation to PETA is to prove just how painful skinning an animal for its fur is by having each of their congregation members to skin each other, and right before they die from blood loss, or whatever, to right down their last thoughts concerning the pain and their related stupidity. May the last member about to die turn out the lights and start a fire that will eliminate the need for society to need to bury them and their accursed religion.

Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

"Sometimes I think our culture deserves to be nuked out of existence."

I would have to disagree with that. A bit of overkill. My subculture and the one you deal with daily is not so bad as this extreme. Never will be. Every group has it's own subculture within the overall culture of society. I for one do not place myself in any of the subcultures involved in this article.

That said, I don't have any use for PETA. I don't mind doing our best to prevent the extinction of a species if doing so is not too big a burden on mankind. And it usualy isn't. I don't have a lot of respect for a person that is cruel to animals just for fun. I also don't have a problem killing an animal for fur. It's a valid way to make a coat. If there's a way to prevent the processing of the animal from being what most people would consider cruel then I would say use it. PETA's biggest problem is that they're fanatics. Fanaticism is usually not a good thing. When you get to silly about somthing most people stop paying much attention to your arguments.

Finnaly, I don't know anything about Star Jones Reynolds and don't want to from the sound of it.



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