Mobile Tree
Witness the newest fad in grill accessories:

Find the freshest stump near a road. Sherlock, they call me.
There's a surprise.

The Roselle Police Department in Illinois caught on camera a woman driving with a 15-foot tree stuck in the hood of her car. A motorist noticed the car heading south on Roselle Road and called the police. The driver, Maryann Christy, 54, told officers that she hit the tree somewhere in her hometown but didn’t remember where.
Find the freshest stump near a road. Sherlock, they call me.
Officers said that the woman smelled of alcohol and failed sobriety tests.
There's a surprise.
This happens way more than you would think (or like). Trees, Power poles, cars, and even people hit by drunk drivers who had no clue they had struck something. One guy thought he was on the interstate while driving in a neighborhood (70+ MPH) and struck a parked vehicle. He bit his tongue off and it took three hours for the tow trucks to pull the cars apart. Driving the wrong way on highways, making their own drive thru's at restaurants, the list goes on. I don't begrudge a person an alcoholic beverage (for the readers here they know mine is Scotch) It's when you do it to excess and then decide to go play bumper-cars on the highway that I have a problem with it.
A bigger issue that is coming up now is not just alcohol, but Marijuana and prescription drugs. With it losing its stigma and becoming more mainstream, you are seeing more and more people on the road high. They are of the opinion that since they have not been drinking and only been smoking or taking their medication, it's OK. There is a reason many pills say "Don't operate heavy machinery" A car is a 2000 pound piece of machinery, but again, perception. "It's not a machine, it's my car" is the thought and behind the wheel they go.
I could go on for hours and quote many stories, but I don't wanna sound to preachy. If you wanna pickle your Liver and do something stupid at your own house and injure or kill yourself while drunk or high, more power to you. It's a free country, but get out where your stupidity endangers others?
I'd make a terrible cop. I deal very poorly with stupid people, ridicule and derision being my immediate reaction to their presence. Unless they're trying to buy something from me, of course. I can abstain long enough to get their money. But the people you deal with on a daily basis, that disgusting sludge coating the bottom of the gene pool? No thanks.
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