Are you left-brained or right-brained? Take this test to find out. I don't put much faith in the results, since the "test" is very brief and even a child could see obvious fallacies in their methodology, but it's mildly entertaining.
According to my results, I'm well-balanced. Anyone who has ever known me for more than a few minutes would probably argue that I am notably unbalanced, but I guess that's a different matter.

According to my results, I'm well-balanced. Anyone who has ever known me for more than a few minutes would probably argue that I am notably unbalanced, but I guess that's a different matter.

Apparently, I'm a fucking robot. 75% left brain, rules, strategy, and logic, well maybe not a robot, but very Vulcan like.
I knew it! Mad Builder and I have always suspected Steve was actually a terminator with faulty programming. Proof at last!
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