Don't Screw This Up
Advice to the GOP:
A-FUCKING-MEN to that last sentence. Every time -- every single time -- a big ol' fat scandal like this arises on the Left, they just wave the bloody flag of abortion or gay marriage or some other meaningless crap under the noses of the Right and the "social conservatives" go haring off after it, screaming in rage for their elected Representatives to DO Something About This Outrage!!!
FOCUS, you idiots. This is big league politics, not fucking Sunday school. Leave your moralizing and self-righteousness on the bench and concentrate on destroying this whore of Babylon. You see before you the best opportunity we'll ever have to bury Hillary Clinton once and for all. This is hardball realpolitik writ large. All you have to do is breathe, relax, aim, stop breathing.... and squeeeeeze. If you do, she's done. But if you allow them to distract you, to obfuscate and twist this around by opening your mouth and making fools of yourselves -- AGAIN -- this too will be swept under the high-mounded Clinton rug and she'll steamroll forward over every Donk challenger for party control.
If the GOP let her weasel her way out of this scandal as well, there's nobody to blame but themselves. If that happens, you may as well shut the lid on 2016 and go back to sleep. The American public is already unhappy with the gutless duplicity on display in the modern, race-to-the-center Republican Party. Playing this scandal the wrong way will just confirm their worst fears: you're not fit to rule. Neither is Hillary Clinton, but at least she's not a sniveling coward who rearranges deck chairs on the Titanic and calls it strategy. She knows how to play the game. Do you?
The Clinton machine in all its arrogance and inertia is careening toward political disaster as the story of her illegal private email servers collides with a Washington and New York press corps that can’t, for once, easily look away. The story has a lot more stink in it than even what’s come to light so far.
Only the GOP and conservatives can save her.
The press is possessed of a boundless desire to Change the Subject right now, and some intemperate remark would fit the bill perfectly. Don’t give them a shiny object. Don’t give them an excuse turn this into “Krazee Republicans Sure Hate Hillary Because She’s A Woman.” For God’s sake, take a deep breath and skip talking about your favorite social issue.
A-FUCKING-MEN to that last sentence. Every time -- every single time -- a big ol' fat scandal like this arises on the Left, they just wave the bloody flag of abortion or gay marriage or some other meaningless crap under the noses of the Right and the "social conservatives" go haring off after it, screaming in rage for their elected Representatives to DO Something About This Outrage!!!
FOCUS, you idiots. This is big league politics, not fucking Sunday school. Leave your moralizing and self-righteousness on the bench and concentrate on destroying this whore of Babylon. You see before you the best opportunity we'll ever have to bury Hillary Clinton once and for all. This is hardball realpolitik writ large. All you have to do is breathe, relax, aim, stop breathing.... and squeeeeeze. If you do, she's done. But if you allow them to distract you, to obfuscate and twist this around by opening your mouth and making fools of yourselves -- AGAIN -- this too will be swept under the high-mounded Clinton rug and she'll steamroll forward over every Donk challenger for party control.
If the GOP let her weasel her way out of this scandal as well, there's nobody to blame but themselves. If that happens, you may as well shut the lid on 2016 and go back to sleep. The American public is already unhappy with the gutless duplicity on display in the modern, race-to-the-center Republican Party. Playing this scandal the wrong way will just confirm their worst fears: you're not fit to rule. Neither is Hillary Clinton, but at least she's not a sniveling coward who rearranges deck chairs on the Titanic and calls it strategy. She knows how to play the game. Do you?
I agree with your point, however, I expect some of the foot in mouth things that have helped provide cover for dems is as much the result of a media that can make and spin almost any sound bite into a republican blunder. The only way to make that impossible is for no republican to speak at all. Of course then, the media would spin the point of lack of leadership from the republicans. This also assumes that some republicans are not actually dems in conservative clothing. If not for the internet, this game may have already been won by the socialists/communists/fabian socialists/oligarchs/globalists, or whatever the left and 3/4 of the right happen to truly be, and the free internet is not long to be free.
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