
Nor can you spell, to the surprise of absolutely no one.
Taki's Mag:
Expunged from nearly all media accounts—the same accounts that always lead to misperceptions and outrage and subsequent mayhem—is the fact that Garner had previously been arrested over thirty times, including for assault and grand larceny. He had been busted for selling loose cigarettes around eight times. At the time of his fatal encounter with Staten Island cops, he was free on bail not only for selling untaxed cigarettes but also for marijuana possession, false impersonation, and driving without a license. In short, he had been a lifelong pain in the ass to law enforcement.
The video of Garner’s apprehension by police on July 17 shows him yelling at police and resisting arrest. It also reveals him to be morbidly obese—according to an acquaintance, Garner couldn’t walk more than a block without having to rest. Due to the fact that Garner kept telling police, “I can’t breathe”—even though he was breathing well enough to say “I can’t breathe” eleven times—the video also gives the impression that he died at the scene from a chokehold. But an autopsy revealed there was no damage to his windpipe or neck bones. And he remained alive until he suffered a cardiac incident in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.
The leftists in the media and Democrat party are bound and determined to start a race war in this country. I find that goal curiously misled, as it would result in nothing good for the blacks who live here. It would almost certainly result in their brutal decimation and the subsequent reinstatement of segregation. No other outcome of such a conflict is possible, as a simple look at population ratios will clearly indicate. Which begs the question of exactly what agenda the media and the Democrats are really supporting...
The second issue that is not being stated by the press is what the police were arresting him for. They say for selling loose cigarettes, and nothing more (Like buying Skittles in their mind). So where did the law come from? How did New York get to the point that Police are out arresting people for selling single smokes on the street.
The draconian tax laws put in place by the elected officials (Majority Democrat). have made the cost of a single pack of cigarettes in New York city $13.00. Twice as much as most other states. Supply and demand creates a black market. Cigarettes are bought in low tax states and trucked in and then sold. The problem is that New York can't collect taxes on those smokes so they confiscate the non-New York tax stamped cartons when found.(Funny thing, New York turns right around and sells the confiscated smokes to vendors) Those evil tax dodgers then just start selling them by the single smoke, and some people can't afford to buy a pack so they buy singles. Well, we can't have that, so a law is written making the sell of single cigarettes illegal. So instead of out catching murderers and rapists (like I'm told all the time when I pull someone over for speeding) New York Police are out arresting folks for selling singles.
That isn't the full story either. It's not like New York has a single smoke task force out setting up stings and doing surveillance to catch these heinous evil doers. No, they were called there by the local shop owner. I would hazard a guess as well that selling singles is not a felony, so more than likely Mr. Garner would have walked away with a ticket, except he copped an attitude, and attempted to leave. This forces them to arrest him which led to the results we see today.
As a Police officer, would I have grabbed him like the plain clothes officer did? No. As Law enforcement officers, however, we are not asked what would we do in that situation, we are asked, is what the officer did in that situation reasonable. There were uniform officers there who probably had tazers (which are ineffective on obese people) and pepper spray, but he was already resisting arrest when he grabbed him around the neck.Mr. Garner had at least a foot in height and probably 100 lbs on the officer, and officers already had both of his arms. Mr. Garner was showing to be resistive and even once on the ground he was still resisting being handcuffed. Could it have been handled another way? Probably, but do I think what the officer did was reasonable? Yes
The relative validity of the law in question aside, they tried to give him a break: move on and we won't arrest you, because we've got bigger fish to fry than some guy selling contraband cigarettes on the street corner. He chose to bow up and get physical, knowing he couldn't walk a city block without fainting. Surprise! Heart attack! As his momma should've taught him years ago, bad choices have consequences.
[tasers] "...are ineffective on obese people"
Why is that? Just curious. Do the needles have to penetrate into muscles in order for the electrical charge to be effective in immobilizing the target?
The Taser acts as a circuit interrupter, causing the muscles to lock up. Fat does not carry the electricity as well and thus the effect is diminished. If you watch videos (many on Youtube) you can see the difference. Skinny, or muscular people are more affected, and fat people not as much or at all.
I personally am not a fan. The damn thing hurts, alot, but I have seen it fail many times in real life situations. Probe misses, only catches in the clothes, or are too close. If the probes are to close together it only feels like its burning and you don't get that full circuit that will cause involuntary muscle lock.
I am a OC(Pepper) spray fan myself. I have only seen it not work once, and it was because the guy ducked and took it on the top of the head instead of the eyes. After he was in custody, and gravity did its thing, did he start to scream about his eyes burning. The second reason is, a Taser lasts 5 seconds, OC burns for 45 minutes to two hours depending on exposure and complexion. Now, if you had someone buck up on you and try and fight, which one do you think would make them rethink that position the next time they come into contact with police?
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