Damned Dirty Donkey-Rapin' Muzzies!
No really.

Live-action footage at the link!
Hat-tip to Gary K.

Although the Quran vehemently prohibits homosexuality, adultery, or even marriage of Muslims to non-Muslims, there isn’t one scripture that denounces sex with other species.
Live-action footage at the link!
Hat-tip to Gary K.
Actually, if you read closely, accidental homosexuality is permitted (as long as you wash up after). So is Necrophilia, Pedophilia, and Bestiality as long as you pay the owner for screwing his livestock. Apparently, Islam is very tolerant, when it comes to sex...as long as you are a man....and it was an accident... and you pay for it. No wonder so many on the Left want us to accept them.
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