Manufacturing a Crisis
Oh noes! The governor of Missouri went about the business of doing his job for "several days" before he deigned to "devote his full attention" to the so-called crisis in Ferguson. The horror!
Newsflash, lefties: The governor of a state has more to worry about than whether or not some no-name street thug is getting shot. It is not even near being on his List of Things to Consider Before Breakfast. Despite the best efforts of the leftists in the media, the leftists in the Justice Department, and the antics of racist rabble rousers to create a distraction from the fact that the Obama Presidency is the biggest political and economic failure in American history, the truth has come out: Michael Brown was a two-bit punk who viciously attacked a police officer and was rightfully killed for it. That policeman probably saved the lives of many people over the next several decades by taking out the trash.
Speaking of trash, here's an interesting viewpoint on people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I dare them to call this man an Uncle Tom:

Newsflash, lefties: The governor of a state has more to worry about than whether or not some no-name street thug is getting shot. It is not even near being on his List of Things to Consider Before Breakfast. Despite the best efforts of the leftists in the media, the leftists in the Justice Department, and the antics of racist rabble rousers to create a distraction from the fact that the Obama Presidency is the biggest political and economic failure in American history, the truth has come out: Michael Brown was a two-bit punk who viciously attacked a police officer and was rightfully killed for it. That policeman probably saved the lives of many people over the next several decades by taking out the trash.
Speaking of trash, here's an interesting viewpoint on people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I dare them to call this man an Uncle Tom:

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