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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Petard Hoisting

Justice Department sues Pennsylvania State Police, claiming fitness tests discriminate against women

Apparently, most men can pass the test but most women can't. Therefore it's obviously a discriminatory hiring practice, right? Whoa there! Saw back on those EEOC reins, boys! I smell another "Progressive" dichotomy...

We've been told -- nay, lectured -- for decades that women are absolutely equal to men in all things. Why, just watch all those girly cops on television! That 110-pound blonde actress in high-heels can take down an aggressive 250-pound thug like a champion kickboxer! It must be true!

Except, of course, that it's not true.

Here's your lesson for the day, "Progressives": you can't legislate reality out of existence. You may temporarily suspend disbelief, but truth is truth is truth, no matter how many laws you write or how often you pitch indignant hissy-fits over it. In this case, the truth is simple: human males are stronger than human females. Everyone over the age of two knows it and no law suit is going to change it. But by all means, go embarrass yourselves. I guess Holder and the other Obama kiddies need something to distract the masses, since the Justice Department seems to have no interest in pursuing the obvious criminal activity within the IRS.


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