Swap ya!

Oh, dear... this isn't working out at all well for the Dumbo-in-Chief, is it? You lefties starting to get the picture yet? This guy isn't your messiah, he's an empty suit and a one-trick community organizer -- and his one trick was a disaster we'll all be paying for through the nose for years to come. If the mid-terms turn into the bloodbath it looks as though they will, it's going to be a long two years for Mr Soetoro. He's already a lame duck due to the fact he is apparently incapable of negotiating with Congress, (or anybody for that matter), but the final two years of King Barry's reign may be particularly gruesome for the lefties.
How's that Hope-y Change-y thing working out, fellas?
He was a lame duck after the 2nd year ended and the Dems lost their stranglehold on Congress.
The "Community Organizer" job description always amused me. Who knew that organizing protests to get "someone" to "do something" was an actual occupation? Now that HE is the "someone" that is supposed to "do something", he has no fucking clue what to do. So he plays the victim card and claims that he can't "do something" because "someone" won't let him. It's a full circle of incompetence.
The question I have is who presented this as a good idea. I'm sure they saw it as a chance at a big PR and approval booster, but failed to do a little background check. At least I hope that is what happened, because the alternative is just too scary to think about.
Davis, I go by the old axiom that one should never ascribe to complex conspiracy that which can be adequately explained through simple incompetence. There's more than enough incompetence floating around the Obama administration to give me complete confidence that no conspiracy exists.
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