The old argument
Knowing what I know of most of the folks here, it is very safe to say that probably nobody here needs an education on our 2nd Amendment rights and the arguments of those who wish to strip us of those rights. However I ran across one of the better written opinion pieces I've seen in a long time that I believe even those of us who don't need to be convinced would enjoy reading. I particularly liked his classification people who want to argue in favor of more gun control.
Click here to read it all.
It is not an exaggeration when I say that I know pretty much exactly every single thing an anti-gun person can say. I’ve heard it over and over, the same old tired stuff, trotted out every single time there is a tragedy on the news that can be milked. Yet, I got sucked in, and I’ve spent the last few days arguing with people who either mean well but are uninformed about gun laws and how guns actually work (who I don’t mind at all), or the willfully ignorant (who I do mind), or the obnoxiously stupid who are completely incapable of any critical thinking deeper than a Facebook meme (them, I can’t stand)
Click here to read it all.
That was awesome. Why doesn't this guy talk on the editorial shows? Seems like he'd cut his opposition to pieces.
Nobody is holding the Media's feet to the fire on shoddy reporting and opinion masked as news. Conservatives won't do it, and Liberals are eating up this tripe that passes as news.
As a Police officer, let me give you some other statistics. The average "gun fight" happens between 3-7 yards and lasts about 4-11 seconds. This is information given in officer involved shootings, in other words the bad guy knew the cop had a gun yet drew on him anyway. Most clerks that are shot during robberies, the perpetrator stated later they had planned to kill the clerk so he could not identify them.
As a last piece of information, I can't tell you how many guns I have pulled off of bad guys that were stolen or bought illegally off the street. Most have either a girlfriend, or pay someone with a clean record to go buy guns and then use those. There was one kid who had made over 200 gun purchases before he got flagged by ATF and they stopped it. It was found out he was selling them to known felons.
I , like many on this blog believe gun free zones should have a sign that states "people hunting preserve", because no sign is going to stop someone who has the intent to break the law.
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