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Friday, April 03, 2009

Fruits of Our Labors

Glorious success:

President Hamid Karzai [of Afghanistan] has signed a law the UN says legalises rape in marriage and prevents women from leaving the house without permission.

The law, which has not been publicly released, is believed to state women can only seek work, education or doctor's appointments with their husband's permission.

Only fathers and grandfathers are granted custody of children under the law, according to the United Nations Development Fund for Women.

The bill passed both houses of the Afghan parliament, but was so contentious that the United Nations and women's rights campaigners have so far been unable to see a copy of the approved bill.

Okay, Mr Sophisticated and Well-Spoken just stepped out for lunch... I'm going Full Jarhead on this one. Maybe it'll get the point across. Probably not.

WARNING: COVER THE KIDS' EYES. And if you're a whiny little git who doesn't like creative cursing, don't go looking for it.


So fall the fruits of our "nation-building." Great results, yes? Beautiful job, all you donkey-sucking twats in Washington. What's next? We gonna start building mosques on the taxpayer dime?

NOW can we nuke these shitholes and give them an express ride on their very short trip back to the Stone Age? Now that we've spent thousands of lives and trillions of dollars setting up replacement theocracies... IN TWO FUCKING COUNTRIES!

These are barbarians, you dickheads. Get that through your thick skulls.

You can't fucking reason with them, you can't fucking civilize them, and you sure as FUCK can't make them into free-fucking-thinkers by giving them I-Pods, Izods, and copies of the U.S. Constitution.

You want to change them? Then start killing the flea-bitten cocksuckers in wholesale lots until they understand this much: No more repressing women. No more mutilating children. No more blowing up office buildings. NO. MOTHER. FUCKING. MORE.

You beat your wife to death, we hang you with a short rope. You incite terrorism, we burn you alive in the town square. You cut your daughter's clit off, we chop your cock off -- with a pair of pliers. But we can do all of this after -- and only after -- we've thoroughly and completely conquered and subjugated them. It's no different than building Marines from soft, useless civilian turd-squirters: you tear them down to bedrock, burn away the slimy civilian coating, and rebuild the boys into men they could never have become by simple progression. Radical results require radical methods.

Jesus weeping Christ, people... Am I the only one who gets this?! Did everyone in Washington sleep through all the history courses, or are their IQs just so motherfucking low they can't perform basic comparison analysis? It's not a Tupperware party, you ignorant monkey-rapers; it's a goddamned war.

You know how you win wars? Kill the enemy. ALL of the enemy. The men, their wives, their kids, their dogs, their sheep, their fucking chickens -- EVERYTHING. And burn their huts to the ground. King David understood this very clearly. So did Curtis LeMay. It took Lincoln four years to finally understand that simple principle and hire Sherman for the ugly job which had to be done. Months later, the war was over.

Is that not an acceptable option for you? Do you quail like a little girl at a pedophile convention when you think about civilians being barbecued in napalm? Then crawl into a hole and wait to be killed you useless little wankers, because that's your only other option. There is NO SUCH THING as a "surgical war" -- at least not a winnable one. This is doubly true when the dick-lickers in D.C. are running it from on high like some ridiculous fucking conglomerate caricature of Mars. You'd think Vietnam would have taught us this lesson; apparently it did not.

When you go to war, you're there to kill them until they cry uncle. And for those who want to whine about the "innocents" in Afghanistan: there are no fucking innocents in a war. Who do you think supports the enemy combatants? Fairies and unicorns? You help us win, or we help you into the grave: those are your only two options.

War is brutal, nasty and ugly. The uglier, the better; it is that which keeps us from becoming more enamored of it. Trying to put a pretty face on war doesn't make it better, it makes it much, much worse.

General LeMay was pariahed for his methods after WWII -- after the second-guessing reporters and fat-assed politicians whose lily-white little peckers he'd saved from destruction once again had the luxury to criticize every fucking thing that crossed their tiny little minds. Naturally they turned that spiteful criticism on the people who'd won the war.

WAKE UP, people. We're turning into a bunch of mewling little pussies who will not fight for our own survival. The faux-pious shitbrains in the mainstream press blubber on about "collateral damage" and "unacceptable military methods," hamstringing our ability to defend ourselves and giving the barbarians at the walls yet one more way into the city.

The Western Roman Empire fell only after the pampered, effete, insulated citizens became incapable of -- and indeed, did not even desire -- self-defense. The barbarians overran them, slaughtering the lot of them and burning the city to the ground, taking what was left of the Western Empire right along with it.

So. You see your options. Kill, or wait to be slaughtered.

This is not a game. There is no reset button. No mulligans. No cute little fucking finger sandwiches for lunch after you lose your stupid fucking croquet tournament to the Bay City Buggerers. This is reality. We win or we get trampled. Problem is, we won't even acknowledge the real enemy.

How do you think that's gonna turn out for your grandchildren? Good? Or bad?


Oh, I can hear them now... "People like you are the problem, not the solution." "We've evolved beyond that sort of primitive behavior... you're a throwback." "We're better off without military assholes like you." And on and on and on. I've heard it all before. It doesn't bother me any more. And do you want to know why? Because the way we're going right now, there's a remote but very real possibility that I'll be alive to see America fall to the primitivism of which liberals are so enamored. Just maybe I'll be alive to chuckle in ironic satisfaction as the gays are put to the torch by Islamic fundamentalists; as women are removed from their positions in government and industry and summarily executed for crimes against Allah; as reporters try to open a discourse about freedom of religion and are executed as heretics.

Not possible? I'm deluded? Can't happen here? Go tell the Romans.


Anonymous rc said...

I think you're on to something here. All I can say is that when the barbarians show up at my door, I'll be taking a shitload out with me.

Blogger davis14633 said...

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said one thing, that we won't identify the enemy. We do not even acknowledge that we are at war with Islamic fundamentalists.
In the early part of the last millennium Christians felt that they needed to spread the word and convert people to christianity, thus leading to the Crusades and the inquisition and the oppression of other religions in attempts to spread the "word". The same thing is happening now, but it is the Muslims who are the oppressors. "Convert or die" is their motto. I have been there, and I have dealt with Muslims in their own country. This is Jim Jones fanaticism with Charles Manson Motivation, but with thousands of Jim/Charles wanna bee's and millions of followers ready to drink the Kool-aid or start Helter Skelter.
War is an ugly business, it is meant to be. By not crushing the enemy we allow the deaths of many more than if we had done it right the first time. Just look at WWII. The Germans killed 12 million people in the death camps, yet it is believed that Stalin butchered twice that number of his own people, but we did nothing because the people in power felt no one had the stomach to continue fighting (except Churchill and Patton)
It is my fervent belief that the real cause of 9/11 isn't our lack of security prior, but our lack of will to do the unpleasant things when it would have benefited us in the long run.

Blogger primus said...

Purfect, and I can't believe it but did you refer to the Bible.


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