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Thursday, December 28, 2006

Rotten Apples


Apple Computer's stock took a hit early Wednesday after a report that company executives had made up details on stock option administration documents to guarantee profits for certain executives.

Apple has said CEO Steve Jobs did not profit from the stock option backdating, although he was aware that favorable grant dates had been assigned to certain executives.

This is the sort of garbage that generates strong public distrust of corporations, giving the social engineers and communists a wedge into society. String these scumballs up by their genitals and let rabid weasels devour them alive.

Corporate corruption and white-collar crime does more long-term harm to American society than any amount of political corruption ever could. If we'd start throwing these bastards into the general population at federal pens and let Bubba "The Big D" Cellmate care for them for about twenty years, the thieving would come very rapidly to a halt. That new yacht isn't nearly as enticing when one could end up paying for it via a geometric expansion of one's anal cavity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is way I say DO NOT tax stock dividends. With all this tax the rich crap, nobody wants cash dividends anymore. This opens the way for all types of white collar embezzlements, because corporations are no longer accountable for their finances. It’s only on paper. You force Apple to fork up actual cash to stockholders once a year, it going to make it a lot tougher for scumbags to scam money from people (stock holders in this case). I’m not saying it would have prevented this, but it would make a difference in corporate corruption acrossed the board.



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