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Monday, April 24, 2006

Digital Dumbasses

Apparently unsatisfied with the level of chaos so far caused by the DMCA, the Congress-critters in Washington have developed a master plan for making things worse.

Why do we even pay these people?


Blogger Banduar said...

This has to be the most blatant use of the fear of terrorism by the administration to date:

Such changes are necessary because new technology is "encouraging large-scale criminal enterprises to get involved in intellectual-property theft," Gonzales said, adding that proceeds from the illicit businesses are used, "quite frankly, to fund terrorism activities."

Quite frankly, you're full of shit, Mr. Gonzales. Equating infringment of copywrite law to terrorism makes as much sense as linking gay marriage to bird flu. Exactly how did you formulate the link between intellectual-property theft and terrorism? Or are you just playing the fear card because its on the first page of the Bush administration playbook?

Don't even try to claim that you are protecting "national security." Like your cronies, you are only looking out for the interests of large corporations like the RIAA. Enjoy the fat "campaign contributions" while you can. I'll be reaching for the "Throw the bums out" lever come November no matter how much you spend. I, for one, have had enough fear-mongering by flagrantly corrupt politicians.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

It sickens me that the Republicans have squandered the largest political mandate ever handed out by a federal electorate, and in the process made themselves look even more "tax-and-spend" than the Democrats. No small feat, that last.

Making it worse, what little political capital they do spend is pissed away on idiotic things like making an already hugely unpopular and malfunctioning law even more draconian and invasive. Brilliant. Why don't you just go ahead and give up that Congressional majority now, you idiots?

When did the primary requirement for public service become blind, self-serving avarice? Because that's where we're headed, and it's no longer a party issue. The only functioning majority in Washington is the Greed Party.


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