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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Responsible for Nothing

Teen moms are upset because they're fat:

Before she became a teen mom, Emma Richardson played high school sports and wore a size 8.

But 27 months after daughter Kayla's birth, Richardson feels stuck in a size 16 body, forced to wear "older people's clothes" instead of the hot styles for her generation.

Richardson, 5-feet-4 and 180 pounds, would like to lose weight but said her busy schedule doesn't allow for basketball or for reading food labels...

Oh, it gets worse. Much worse.

The article is like a tour de force of the welfare state mentality. There is an undertone throughout the entire article that condones 15-year old pregnancy and welfare dependency, while disapproving--in the strongest possible terms, of course--of unhealthy eating habits. It almost reads like political parody. Except, of course, for the fact that they're serious.

You may want to retrieve something to throw up into before you read the rest of it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"but I need a push, someone to be on my team. I'm lazy."

I'm speechless...

Blogger Banduar said...

"I've grown up with fried foods," she said. "I don't know how to bake chicken."

1. Get off your lazy, fat ass.
2. Turn on the oven.
3. Put the chicken in the oven.

Repeat until you get it right, or save yourself (and the rest of us) the trouble and substitute your brainless head for the chicken.

I can't stand people that use ignorance as an excuse for their laziness. Do they assume the rest of us were just born with the knowledge?


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