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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Darwin Attempt

Some idiot in Portland got angry because a bus came too close to him while he was riding his bicycle in rush hour traffic. On an icy day. In the motorized traffic lanes. So he pulled his bicycle in front of the bus.

In a perfect world, the bus driver would've saved everyone any future trouble from this dimwit and run him down. Unfortunately, the driver managed to stop before hitting him. Silver lining: one of the passengers disembarked and used the moron's empty head as a speed bag.

Bicycles are children's toys, not vehicles on which you should be commuting in company with automobiles. American cities are not designed for it, and to insist on making the attempt severely disrupts traffic flow, unnecessarily increasing chaos, hate and discontent in an already unstable and volatile environment.

Besides, I take an instant dislike to self-described "advocates." In most modern social contexts, the word is nearly identical in meaning to "zealot." Such people perversely insist on throwing sand into the machinery of society, when we can barely keep it grinding along in the first place. It's a glaring personality flaw--one resulting from a witch's brew of ego and neurosis, and one which I find particularly irritating.


Blogger JW said...

I know someone who was a “Share the Road with Bike” advocate, preached that to everyone he meet. Guess what, he’s dead. Some old dude ran him over while riding his reclining bike on a 6 lane road.

Blogger Fundy said...

Ecocyclists tend to blame motorists or road engineering for cycling accidents, and rarely consider that the problem may lie from within.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no simpathy for cyclists on public roads. According to aviation rules, the smaller, faster, and more nimble air traffic is to yield right of way to the less small, fast, and nimble. That makes sense from multiple points of view. However, cyclists feel that cars should yield right of way to them, which is absurd from so many points of view, but the one that really counts is the one of physics that seems to dictate that the car will usually win when they both try to share the same physical space at the exact same moment. Cyclists lose all credibility with me anyway since most of them don't seem to feel they have to abide by the rules of the road, i.e. never stop for stop signs or lights, or wait in line with traffic, but instead just ride along waiting cars to the front. And yes I have cycled many miles myself, so I'm not some couch potato thats never been out there, I just respect the physics of the situation along with the reality that our streets and highways were primarily intended for cars and trucks. Just ask a motorcyclist how much respect they get, but at least they can go fast enough to move with the traffic and not be an impediment.


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