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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Semper Stupidus

You will remember that I posted a couple of days ago about an old Marine buddy who was recently killed in action while serving in Iraq. Well, guess what's showing up at his funeral?

A radical Midwestern hate group plans to protest at the funerals of two local soldiers killed in action, claiming the slain heroes "were cast into hell to join many more dishonorable Americans."

"Thank God for the mortar. Thank God for the shell that came from the gun. Thank God for the fact that it killed the fruit of America to punish it for its sins."

I can see in my mind's eye how John would have reacted to such a circumstance: he'd roll his eyes and wonder (politely) at their obvious cluelessness, then go on about his business and not give them another thought. I, however, not only do not suffer fools gladly--I don't suffer them at all. It's a personality flaw which has earned me more than my fair share of trouble and fist-fights. Were I able to attend John's funeral and I encountered these...people, words would be exchanged. And I'd probably do something I'd regret--but only a little bit.

(Hat-tip: GySgt Walter H.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first assumption was that these people would be from the liberal left, but instead they are apparently PR hungry religious fanatics. It is amazing that people who espouse a believe in Jesus can take such a radical position, but of course the catholic popes did it for centuries. If they utilize one of the fairly mainstream new testaments, I cannot see how they can come to the conclusion that Jesus would be in agreement with what they are doing. Of course I noted that the father is supposedly a prophet or something, so we can assume this group will join the crowd of lunatic make-up your own rules prophets that so many new christian religions have sprung up from over the last 2 or 3 centuries. Lucky us. While there are those that would make the point that the christian religion may have really evolved in the same manner originally, for instance the Aposlte Paul made it all up, and you know who you are, and I can't disagree with that as a very real possibility, I still have an appreciation for most of the concepts generally associated with Jesus. These include treating everyone as your neighbor and treating them as you would wish to be treated. It also includes concepts of tolerance and whether specifically or implied does not appear to include the desecration or destruction of people simply because they have a different belief. This group would fit very nicely into the Muslim religion just like some of those popes from centuries past.

Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

To protest at a funeral is one of the most disgusting acts a person can commit. When you protest something it is because you hope something positive will come of it. Positive from your stand point at least. In this case however, I see no useful outcome for the protesters. They are simply annoying people with their self-righteous banter. The people that agree with them will still agree with them and the ones that don’t still won’t. They’re just wasting money on stupid signs and traveling expenses. * Shrug *

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

But you're wrong, Churt; they're accomplishing something else as well. They're pissing off Marines. They may take that lightly, depending on the enforced civility and general mature good-sense of Marines as a whole, but they'll eventually run into one who is not minded to take their stupidity in stride.. and then the teeth'll start flyin'.

Can't say I'll be sorry to see it happen, either.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to post a note regarding the murder of John Maloney. Just returned from vacation this week and had received an email of John's death to an email that is very rarely checked. Did a search on John's name and found this website. John was in my wedding in 1990 - served with my husband in Weapons 2/5. I can't pretend to know John well although my husband did. But I do remember him standing outside the church after the wedding high-fiving with 4 others about how they would all be getting out soon and going on active ready reserve. A few weeks later - Desert Shield - changing many of our lives. All I can say is that everytime I met John he was a very gracious person and I think such a loss defies understanding. Our thoughts are with his family for the loss of a fine man who was as important and respectable for us as he was dear and irreplaceable for them.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Thank you for posting that, Steph. Though I can't say I specifically remember your husband, (assuming you share a surname), I served in 81's, WPNS 2/5 from '90 to '93.

John's death was indeed a great loss to the country and the Corps. He will be sorely missed.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brent - same last name, was in Wpns 2/5, Drgn platoon, 1988 to mid-1991, then an instructor at SOI until he got out in 1993.

Also, just wanted to make a comment about the group that was supposed to protest at John's funeral - You just can't reason with crazy.


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