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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

MAME Box Needed

I've decided, after recovering from the sticker stock of what used, 1980's arcade games go for nowadays, ($1,200 to $5,000; I'm pretty sure they didn't cost that much when new), that I am going to build a MAME32 standup arcade cabinet. This is one of the items that will help populate the upstairs game room in the new house we plan to build this coming winter.

Unfortunately, stand-up arcade cabinets in reasonable condition aren't exactly easy to find. I have therefore decided to enlist the help of you, my dear readers, in this great and worthy endeavor. Don't go searching under rocks or anything, but if you happen to come across one in a local (Houston area) flea market, second-hand store, etc., please drop me a note about it. I'm not really looking for a functional game, just an empty full-height cabinet in reasonably good condition, with no major damage. I will refinish it, as well as build in a new monitor and X-Arcade controller. I don't even need a coin box on it; just a hole in the front will do nicely.

The reward for your vigilance in this seemingly thankless task shall be a guaranteed invite to the house warming party next year, wherein you will (hopefully) find the ApathyArcade in all its fully functional, awe-inspiring splendor.

Now go forth, my evil, flying-monkey minions, and bring me that wretched cabinet! (Little dog is optional.)


Blogger The Mad Builder of Periwinkle said...

So let it be written, so let it be done. :)


Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

This site looks ok. The projector cabinet looks very nice. How cool would arcade games on the wall be? Unfortunately, it would run up the cost. I also looked at a review on three different controller setups. Let me know when you get ready to set it up.


Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Well, that was quick. I won the auction on the one Mad Builder posted last night, (Mad Builder wins the Most Evil-est Flying Monkey Minion Award; trophy to be crafted shortly). Now I just need to arrange pickup of the beast, and I'll be well on my way to a multi-cade box.

I really like that SlikStik Classic unit, but it's too big for the cabinet. It would require some major re-work to get it grafted on. Take a look at the link Builder posted and you'll see the cabinet I purchased. Additionally, the price is a little steep.

I do, however, like the looks of the SlikStik Solitaire-J, especially as you can add a spinner (Tempest, Arkanoid) and upgrade both sticks to t-ball types, which is something necessary to get the right "feel" for most early-80's games, especially Williams'. I'm thinking that one may be the best option to easily integrate into the cabinet. The only thing it would be lacking would be a trackball, which is unfortunate, as I'd love it for Centipede, Missile Command, etc. Oh, well; can't have everything.

Blogger The Mad Builder of Periwinkle said...

I *AM* the Most Evil-est Flying Monkey. :)

Churt - Hmm...not sure, but arcade games projected on a wall...that seems like some sort of mortal sin to Me, unnatural even! Berzerk, Missile Command and Phoenix are meant to be played standing at a cabinet, bathed in the light of the display tube, with the reflection of awed onlookers staring back at you from the plastic screen covering the tube.

But I'm funny that way. ;)

Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

Here is a source of additional components.

As for the projector, well, it still had the cabinet you stand at. But you are correct, it wouldn't fell the same.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually in "the day" the retail on a new Galaga was $1900 big money in those days. And I have the projector cab mentioned and its stuff for any fighting game. And HUGE Asteroids with the thumping bass is truly an experience.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

Zowie. 2K clams for Galaga, huh? Well, I guess back then it was a business investment, so it didn't seem quite so steep. But if I started charging guests in order to pay for my vices, methinks I'd soon run dry of friends.

Besides, if I were to just buy a functional device, I wouldn't be able to sweat, curse and scream for days on end as I try to cobble together a functional device. That's three-quarters of the fun to be had in hobbies, you know.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You outta build your own controls it's easy. I'm sure 1 out of the 3 readers of this site can hook you up with some VISO templates. www.ulitmarc.com has all the interfaces you need, and you can feel like a true man playing on a custom control panel.


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