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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

U.N.-fit for Existence VIII

The United Nations has outlawed terrorism.

Well, I'm glad that's in the bag. Whew! Guess we can all go back to our normal lives, now that Kofi & Co. have solved the problem for us. And to think I was actually worried about terrorism until I read this article. What a relief!


Kofi Annan is like the dumb, smelly, geeky kid that stands up in the back of the class and shouts out the answer to a problem that all the other kids figured out three days previously. I think its time for the jocks to take him aside and beat the snot out of him.


Blogger Churt(Elfkind) said...

Actions speak louder than words. Enough said.

Blogger Fundy said...

Reminds me of the Slick Willy days, what is the definition is of "is”?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not a good thing for America. The only thing this resolution or whatever it is can do is limit the ability of established countries, primarily the US, from protecting themselves because the anti-US UN will call everything we do that kills a few civilians a terrorist act. Terrorism is just another face of war and if we need to wipe out cities of "civilians" to destroy our enemy and break the will of the people supporting said enemy, then we should do so, just as we did in WWII with carpet bombing campaigns. I certainly think the political and long term ramifications of wiping out cities has to be carefully deliberated, but just as the "terrorists" justify their acts, the US, as the world power with everyone including most UN members wanting to bring us down, must ultimately take action at the level required to contain and destroy our enemys who would do more than just bring us to their level but kill us all if given the chance. In the great book of war there are no rules and the victor defines what was just and who the terrorists were.

Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

I agree with your logic completely, Vizigoth. However, I think it will be a moot point in just a few years. The United Nations cannot survive without the money and military strength of the United States, and I don't see us hanging around much longer--at least not without engaging in some serious house-cleaning activities in the General Assembly and leadership staff. The United Nations is following the same path as the League of Nations before it, and I cannot imagine that course will change any time in the near future.

Frankly, the entire idea of an international coalition without a common threat is non-sensical. NATO is falling apart, because the immediate threat upon which it is was based has shrunken to insigificance, at least for the moment. It was also a limited treaty, with limited membership, for a specific defensive goal. And it worked for precisely those reasons. The U.N., however, is none of those things.

While one-worlders may have wet dreams about Kofi & Company's ability to make everyone happy-peaceful-flower-love people, the rest of us (outside of university classrooms) live in the real world, and the real world is about nationalism and self-interest. The U.N. will fail, it's just a matter of when.

As I've stated before, there will never be one world government until there is more than one world. Anyone that does not see this as a self-evident truth obviously has some serious problems with Boolean logic.


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