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Sunday, March 06, 2005


This article is a couple of weeks old, but after reading it, (and choking back a wave of disgusted nausea), I simply must speak my piece about it.

Let's take it point-by-asinine-point, shall we?

"While millions of people in the world struggle to survive hunger and disease, lacking even minimal health care, in rich countries the concept of health as well-being figures in creating unrealistic expectations about the possibility of medicine to respond to all needs and desires," said the Rev. Maurizio Faggioni, a theologian and morality expert on the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life.

Well, since the Vatican has more money than the imaginary deity you propose to represent, how about you fork over some cash? You see, we "rich countries" got that way by creating wealth. Let me see if I can remember the last time a priest, minister, or any member of the clergy actually produced anything... Hrm. I'm getting a blank, here, Rev-baby. Better watch it with those stones. Look carefully, and you'll notice the extraordinarily fragile glass walls surrounding you on all sides.

But officials at the news conference took pains to put a positive spin on the limitations health problems bring. John Paul II also has knee and hip problems, no longer walks in public, and Parkinson's has left his speech often unintelligible.

"Precisely in the handicap, in the disease, in the pain, in old age, in dying and death one can, instead, perceive the truth of life in a clearer way," Lutz said.

"The pope's message is `suffering is part of life and has meaning," the doctor said.

You disgust me. That sort of purile sophistry is exactly the kind of horseshit that was discredited years ago during the Age of Enlightenment by the likes of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine--all of whom were intellectually several orders of magnitude above the smartest clergyman who ever lived. Unnecessary suffering reveals no "truth" to anyone, and the days of the Catholic Church monopolizing the "truth" are long past, Mr. Lutz. In fact, you and your ilk have shown a marked propensity to ignore and obfuscate the truth when it serves your purposes. What, you don't think so? Well, then let's talk about Catholic priests fucking little boys. What? Does that offend you? Well, fortunately things sometimes work out well.

Remember those glass walls, God-boy? You wanna be mindful of those...

Moving along:

Vatican officials stressed that all people should have access to basic health care.

But "it is difficult to establish what a decent minimum is," said Faggioni, when asked about criticism over unaffordable health care for many in the United States.

Well, here's an idea: since you pack of thieves are so adamantly in favor of suffering, how about we establish a baseline with you? You get ZERO healthcare. We'll increment the scale from there. That work for you? Enjoy the loss of human dignity that will accompany your pursuit of "truth," while you're dying from Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's, Alzheimer's, or some other horrid disease. Meanwhile, we selfish, secular, "rich countries" will continue pursuing a cure for those afflictions. Don't worry; when we discover them, (and we will), we'll be sure not to give them to you.

Asked about anti-AIDS measures, Sgreccia reiterated the Vatican's teaching against use of condoms and the Church's insistence that sexual faithfulness within marriage is the best ways to combat the HIV contagion.

The seminar next week marks the 10th anniversary of the pope's encyclical "Evangelium vitae" encyclical in which he delivered the Catholic Church's most forceful condemnation of abortion, euthanasia and experimentation on human embryos, and restated the Vatican ban on birth control

How convenient for you: encourage population explosions to create all those new little Catholics by forbidding contraceptives, rake in their tithes, and then condemn we "rich countries" for not providing them with healthcare. You know what, funny-hat boy? We're on to you. This isn't the Middle Ages, the Holy Roman Empire (which was none of those things) is no more, and the world no longer quakes at your every driveling. I must admit, however, that I sometimes quake with laughter at the ridiculous posturing of the Catholic Church.

For what it's worth, however, I sincerely hope all you pimples on the ass of modern society known as clergy are rewarded with the opportunity to discover the "meaning of life" through abject suffering as you near death. It's certainly the least you deserve for all your crimes against humanity. Now take your stupid hats, your overflowing coffers of ill-gotten loot, and your moronic medievalism, and stick it all where the sun don't shine, because I'm sick of hearing it.


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