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Friday, November 18, 2016

Hello, Stranger!

'Stranger in a Strange Land' TV Series in the Works at Syfy

Submitter sez:

"As much as I love this book, this series will be on the Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull level of crap. With the sexual, religious, and philosophical overtones, AMC could have really done this book justice. My expectations is this will be unwatchable, hopefully I'm wrong."

I'm afraid he may be correct, as SciFi (I refuse to acknowledge the new retard spelling) has a history of making really crappy movies and series. There are exceptions -- the rebooted Battlestar Galactica was quite good, final season metaphysics notwithstanding -- but on the whole they tend toward the craptastic end of the spectrum. Tackling SIASL is especially brazen, as it was one of the first stories in which Heinlein openly expressed his Libertarian views. I have serious doubts SciFi can faithfully translate that to the screen. It's far more likely they'll wander off into the tall weeds and turn it into a gooey-eyed pseudo-retrospective of 1960s hippie culture, which I think we can all agree needs to die in a fucking fire because we're sick to death of hearing about it.

Well, I've been wrong before. We'll see, but don't bet your little sister's favorite silver dollar on it being watchable.

Hat-tip to Jeff W.


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