Black Votes Matter

Thomas Sowell on the ongoing race hustle of the Democrats:
Hillary Clinton desperately needs black votes in this year’s close election. Promoting fear, anger and resentment among blacks — and, if possible, paranoia — serves her political interest. Barack Obama has mastered the art of keeping black voters aroused while keeping white voters soothed — thanks in part to the gullibility of much of the public, who mistake geniality and glib rhetoric for honesty and good will.
That's one consequence of universal suffrage: the office the President has become the object of an increasingly vulgar popularity contest.
Nothing reveals the political cynicism of the Obama administration like their campaign to force schools to reduce the number of black male students who are disciplined for misconduct. Because black male students are cited for disruption and violence more often than other categories of students, that is automatically taken to mean that racial discrimination is the reason.
The most obvious alternative explanation is that black male students engage in more disruption and violence than Asian females or some other students. But that possibility is implicitly ruled out.
What makes this such a farce is that many, if not most, of the teachers and administrators in ghetto schools are black themselves, and have no reason to discriminate against black males. What makes it a disaster is that only a few thugs in a classroom are enough to deprive all the other students of a decent education — which, for many, is their only chance for decent lives as adults.
Until blacks start to wake to the fact that LBJ and the Democrats put them back on the plantation fifty years ago, nothing is likely to change. Which is why the sorry state of our education system is NOT an accident; it keeps the status quo for the Donks by maintaining their herds of ignorant voting beasts in the inner cities. The last thing Democrats want is informed voters.
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