Very True

You've undoubtedly seen those white oval stickers that annoying people put on their cars with the mileage they've run: 13.1, 26.2, 104.8, ad nauseum. (They're called "I love me stickers," in case you're wondering.) Saw this one on a car a couple days ago:

Gotta get me one of those. Most of the marathon braggarts won't get it, of course -- which makes it even funnier.
I still run when my knees allow, which is about once or twice a week, two miles a pop or so. That's it. I've tried pushing past that envelope and it leaves me nearly crippled for days afterward. Mostly it's just the elliptical for me, and I hate elliptical machines. My knees simply have no meniscus remaining to cushion the hammer blows of running. They were worn away by years of forced marches carrying a hundred pounds of gear, running every morning on pavement, rock climbing, jumping out of airplanes and all the other stupid shit I did as a youngster. One of these days all of the marathon braggarts are going to be where I'm at now. I look gleefully forward to their pain. I'm sure they'll invent a sticker to tell the world about it.
Looks good. These days I can include 30:2. Or maybe 1.75 and 2.5, 1000GPM and the like. Let's see one of those marathon runners dash up a stairwell with a minuteman load.
I like it... :) Have to start looking for one.
The only people worse than marathon runners, are crossfitters, and vegetarians. A crossfitter can't go five minutes without telling someone they are into crossfit, it's physically impossible for them to do so. Vegans on the other hand are worse than religious zealots. I remember being downtown and one of the local grocery stores had a display, touting, and sampling their new angus steaks. Big sign, meat on the grill, the whole works, letting you know they were cooking MEAT. This "guy" (you will see why guy is in quotations in a second) walks by and asks "Is that meat?" and before the young kids behind the sample table can answer, Sir Douche-bag says "Well, I can't eat that, I'm a vegetarian" Not only that, they are always trying to get everyone else to be vegans. Well, as I like to say, I'm a meatatarian...It's a life choice.
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