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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Rule of Law

Versus rule of power

An interesting article from Victor Hanson on obeying the law. I almost wanted to quote the whole thing, but here is a snippit to get you started

Far more dangerous are institutionalized corruption, a lack of transparency and creeping neglect of existing laws. All the German euros in the world will not save Greece if Greeks continue to dodge taxes, featherbed government and see corruption as a business model.

Even obeying so-called minor laws counts. It is no coincidence that a country where drivers routinely flout traffic laws and throw trash out the window is also a country that cooks its books and lies to its creditors. Everything from littering to speeding seems negotiable in Athens in a way not true of Munich, Zurich or London.

When the generel public sees the powerful and the Government disregarding the laws they created, you get a general creep of disregard for all laws. It goes to the broken window theory. For those not familiar with this theory, it is essentially that if you allow the little things like a broken window to go, you will see an increase in the number of "Quality of Life" crimes(littering, vandalism, vagrancy, prostitution) this leads to the increased occurrence of the more serious crimes (theft, assaults, drugs, murder)

When you have the ruler of your country disregard the laws on the books (Immigration enforcement) and re-write existing laws(Obamacare), and Government agents targeting groups who are supporting the opposing party of the party in power (IRS scandal), you end up with this:

Mexico is a much naturally richer country than Greece. It is blessed with oil, precious minerals, fertile soils, long coastlines and warm weather. Hundreds of thousands of Mexican citizens should not be voting with their feet to reject their homeland for the U.S.

But Mexico also continues to be a mess because police expect bribes, property rights are iffy, and government works only for those who pay kickbacks. The result is that only north, not south, of the U.S.-Mexico border can people expect upward mobility, clean water, adequate public safety and reliable power.

When the majority feel that the law is no longer applied to everyone equally, the law no longer applies.


Blogger Jar(egg)head said...

I am convinced that the United States is entering the equivalent of the late stage of the Western Roman Empire, where rule of law and citizen responsibility were supplanted by hedonism and perversion. The solution for that time was in the break-away of the Eastern Empire, led by Byzantium, which formed a new seat of empire based upon the old founding principles of the Republic. It was Constantine's introduction of Christian ethics and morals as core principles of the civilization via the Edict of Milan, his reformation of the currency, separation of military and civil powers, and a whole host of other reforms which reformed civilization and ensured that the Eastern Roman Empire would outlive its corrupt and rotten western mother by a millennium.

Sometime in the next century, maybe sooner than we think, something similar must happen in the United States. The northeast is lost, as are the northwest and California. The places where rule of law and moral behavior are still the standard must separate ourselves from these harbingers of doom before they drag us down with them.

Secede now. Beat the rush.


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