
This image illustrates in the most succinct manner possible something which has irritated me about Donks for years: their gullibility. Everyone I know who votes conservatively has exactly the same opinion about Republicans: hold your nose and push the button, it's better than the Democrats. Mostly. But not by much. We accept that corrupt, self-serving asses exist on both sides of the aisle, and in fact are as often as not in cahoots to fleece the taxpayer for their own gain. We go to a great deal of trouble to publicly and loudly vet both candidates and incumbents for the GOP, holding them accountable for what they say and do -- especially when they are not the same thing.
What drives me nuts about leftists and liberals, especially in the under 30 set, is that they won't admit the same truth.
A high percentage of them actually believe that all Republicans are evil, money-grubbing slave drivers who are looking to cheat you at every opportunity. Which is fine, except for the "all" part. What's worse, I've encountered more than a few who genuinely feel that any Democrat is, by definition, pure as the driven snow in their goals and motives. It's a disconnect from reality which boggles the mind. You cannot debate or reason with such people, for they are true believers; they've turned their politics into their religion. The Democrats substitute for God, while the Republicans stand in for the Devil. It's downright bizarre.
Or perhaps it's even simpler. Playing on the theme of the image above, the Democrats are represented by the /swoon cute 20-something guy who works out and rides a fast motorcycle and tells you he owns a seaside mansion and that you can lay on the couch all day eating bon-bons and watching Oprah and that you don't ever need to have sex with him because he's just that nice of a guy -- and if you do, he absolutely won't cum in your mouth. Perish the thought! The Republicans are represented by the average-looking guy with a mortgage and a five year old pickup truck, laboring at 60 hour-a-week shift work who tells you to clean the house once in a while and stop buying so damned many shoes online.
The reality is that the Democrat is a lying weasel who just wants to stick his dick in your mouth and leave you with an unpaid rent bill. The Republican has a job, will remember your anniversary and won't make false promises about the relative economic viability of the bon-bons-and-Oprah diet.
Unfortunately, just as with naive young teenaged girls, many Democrat voters have to learn the hard way. Worse, a significant number of them keep falling for the same one-liner over and over and over, like the dumb girl who keeps getting drunk and picked up at the same bar every Friday night.
Therein lies the downfall of the nation, I'm afraid.
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