And fell on his head...
Ukrainian nationalists (i.e., not communists) toppled a statue of Lenin this evening:

Naturally the lefties and wannabe commies in the West are whining about it. One of the commenters at the linked article in the Daily Mail wrote:
Kinda makes you want to take him over your knee, doesn't it?
On a brighter note, the Ukrainian government tacitly endorsed the statue's destruction:
It's amazing how living under communist rule makes people rabidly anti-communist. Perhaps we should set up a communist intern camp in some part of the country no one is using right now -- say, the Ohio River Valley -- and let the spoiled little leftist bastards learn the hard way.

Naturally the lefties and wannabe commies in the West are whining about it. One of the commenters at the linked article in the Daily Mail wrote:
"They are just thugs. Nothing wrong with communism. We need it in this country to toe some people into line."
Kinda makes you want to take him over your knee, doesn't it?
On a brighter note, the Ukrainian government tacitly endorsed the statue's destruction:
Arsen Avakov, Ukraine interior minister, wrote in a Facebook message, "Let him fall. As long as people don't get hurt. As long as this bloody communist idol does not take more victims with it when it goes."
It's amazing how living under communist rule makes people rabidly anti-communist. Perhaps we should set up a communist intern camp in some part of the country no one is using right now -- say, the Ohio River Valley -- and let the spoiled little leftist bastards learn the hard way.
Why Ohio? California's nearly there already, let that shit-hole of a state be the internment camp instead of screwing-up a perfectly good state like Ohio!
Not just Ohio, the Ohio River Valley -- i.e., the entire northeastern industrial base. Decades of repeatedly electing Democrats have hollowed out northeastern industry to a mere shell of its former glory. That's why everybody with a functional car is coming to Texas as fast as they can get it pointed south; we encourage industry rather than shackling it.
I agree that California is only a step away from being a socialist state already. Unfortunately, it's about a half-step away from becoming part of Mexico. I'm afraid it's a write-off at this point, as the Mexicans and Leftists are already busy sucking the last drops of vitality out of the state while all of the sensible businessmen make a run for the border -- and they ain't goin' to Taco Bell.
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