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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Crash Course

Oh look! Six more key IRS employees in Ms Gestapo's office also had their computers crash and lost all of their emails! What a strange coincidence! It's like... spooky weird, huh? Allahpundit:

Show of hands: When was the last time your computer crashed so hard that important data — e-mails, specifically — were lost and couldn’t be retrieved? I’ve used PCs and Macs every day for the past eight years, for 12 hours a day or more during weekdays, and I can’t remember experiencing something like that. It’s an “Internet 2001″ problem, not “Internet 2011,” especially given how cheap and ubiquitous back-up drives are today — and yet it happened to the IRS, apparently, no fewer than seven times, as recently as three years ago. And by the way, why are IRS e-mails being saved locally to employees’ hard drives instead of to a central server...

That last sentence should be the lynchpin for the attack by any future special prosecutor, because obviously it's not how things are done, at the IRS or anywhere else with more than a dozen employees. It's all on a central email server.

I'm betting those "lost" emails pointed the finger right back to the White House, and there ARE copies of them somewhere, I assure you. Even the lefty press is crying foul. This could get really ugly for King Barry. Watergate ugly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadly, I don't think the left realize the very real danger of weaponizing the IRS. This precedent is pretty scary and goes way beyond a few conservative PAC tax status.


Blogger Banduar said...

Oh, but I think they DO realize the danger... to their opponents.

The problem is inherent bias - a government agency is ALWAYS going to act in its own self-interest. It doesn't take an executive order to get a tax agency to target anti-tax political groups. That's why up until this obviously false "computer crash" excuse, I doubted there would be any "smoking gun" evidence to link the targeting back to the WH.


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