Do you know what this is?

No? Well, don't feel bad; neither did I, and I'm something of a superfreak when it comes to vintage electronics. I'm not nearly as superfreaky as Mad Builder, however; he may well know the answer.
For the rest of you, piclick to find out about the Mystery Game and nine of its obscure cousins.

No? Well, don't feel bad; neither did I, and I'm something of a superfreak when it comes to vintage electronics. I'm not nearly as superfreaky as Mad Builder, however; he may well know the answer.
For the rest of you, piclick to find out about the Mystery Game and nine of its obscure cousins.
I have to admit you stumped me on this one. But it WAS an unreleased system so you'll have to cut me some slack.
If you want a truly funky looking console from the 70s have a look at something like the Coleco Telstar Arcade (a triangular console with a built in steering wheel and pistol holster) or Telstar Combat (a console with built in BattleZone style levers). They actually made it to market. I remember looking forward to trips to Kmart as a kid specifically so I could play on the display models.
My favorite console that made it to "market" was the Virtua boy. It was suppossed to be a portable virtual reality system and Blockbuster was the exclusive carrier. The portable was that it sat on a stand, ate batteries like tic tacs, and the display was an eye straining red. The instruction book's first three pages were nothing but warnings, with lovely warnings about its use scattered throughout. If it hadn't been for Blockbuster buying the units it never would have made it to market. They were recalled out of the stores after only three months and have disappeared into game console lore.
I've got a Virtuaboy somewhere in the recesses of the attic. It gave me a splitting headache after three minutes of "playing" with it. I'm hoping maybe I can auction it off to some sadistic alien visitors. Or maybe the CIA could use it to extract information from prisoners.
VirtualBoy Torture Device: currently $86 on ebay.
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