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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pot to Kettle

More Muslim hypocrisy:

Canadian Muslims may launch a human rights complaint against [soccer's] governing body after a Quebec referee ordered an 11-year-old girl to quit a tournament for refusing to remove her hijab.

"If FIFA does not provide a clear position on the right of women to wear the hijab in competition we will look at the possibility of filing a human rights complaint on behalf of Muslim women who want to play [soccer], and not be persecuted for practising their beliefs," said executive director Karl Nickner.

< RANT >

Oh, that's rich. You force women to cover themselves because you're a bunch of misogynists with no self-control over your own urges, but you want to file a human rights complaint on their behalf.

I've a better idea; how about we get rid of religion instead. All religion, eventually -- but we'll start with Islam, since the others are pretty well minding their own business nowadays.

You're nothing but a pack of primitive, backwards, marginally upright apes who point excitedly at fire while hooting in terror. Go away and let the rest of the world move on from the Middle Ages, because those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together are tired of hearing you jabber while watching your mental drool spill on the carpet.

There is a far brighter future to pursue, just as there are more important things to do than fight over who has the most correct interpretation of a fairy tale. Watching an endless parade of wanna-be alpha male dominants preen themselves and cow the females is neither entertaining nor progressive. It's animalistic. I can see such behavior on the Discovery Channel or in my home aquarium if it really interests me -- which it does not.

You're supposed to be sentient, reasoning beings. Try acting like it.

< /RANT >

Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. We now return you to the regularly-scheduled carping.


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