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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love Police

Muzzies on patrol:

A Malaysian state plans to recruit "spies" from the public to snoop on unmarried lovers and report them to Islamic religious authorities...

The Terengganu state government plans to enlist the part-time spies to look out for un-Islamic behaviour, such as unmarried couples kissing or holding hands...

I'm sure the pedophile who created the religion would approve, no?

Last October, religious police in another part of this mainly Muslim country caused an outcry when they mistakenly raided the rented holiday apartment of a Christian American couple on suspicion that they were unmarried Muslims in "close proximity".

"Religious police." The very act of reading those two words in "close proximity" to each other should set your teeth on edge. Now do you understand why we have not won -- and can never win -- in places like Iraq? Oh, sure; we put such articles in the "Oddly Enough" section and chuckle at them. But this is an illustration of Islam's backward, ridiculous outlook on the world.

An argument can be made that our republic is dying; some say it's already too far gone to save. If true, that leaves our options as empire or isolationism. Since we don't have the stomach for empire any more, (and a pity that is, too), we may as well extricate ourselves now and cut our losses. George W. Bush has proven he hasn't the political chutzpah to do what needs to be done, even as a second term President. And, truth be told, I'm not sure it'd make any real difference even if he did.

Iraq will be a full-blown Islamic theocracy less than five years after we leave -- whether we leave now or decades from now. The only question is how many more American soldiers die and how much more money we throw down the toilet in the meantime. We accomplished some good by hanging Saddam, but hanging around now is accomplishing nothing, either militarily or politically. Conquer it or leave it. Because converting Iraq -- or any Muslim-dominated country -- into a secular republic is a practical impossibility. To the average Muslim, there is no difference between religion and government; the two are the same, and the very act of trying to separate the church from the state is heretical to them.

Islam missed the Renaissance and the Enlightenment entirely; "secularism" is a meaningless word to its adherents, something conjured up by the devious infidels to undermine Allah's Great Plan for the Faithful. We can't fight such a mentality, and we can't simply grab Islam by the virtual hands and yank it up to modern social standards in a few years. It's something that has to happen over a period of decades or even centuries -- and it must be driven from within the religion. Bush's half-assed dabbling in nation-building isn't helping anybody -- certainly not the way he's going about it.

If people in places like Iraq and Malaysia want religious parties to serve in (and thereby, inevitably dominate) their government, then so be it. If legislating morality is acceptable to them, that is their option. If using their government as a forum for continuing a 1,400-year old succession struggle is their choice, then bully for them. But I can see no good reason why my tax money should continue to support any of these things, all of which are contradictory and antithetical to a functioning republic.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well Jeff you summed up concisely what I have been saying for nearly four years. Liberal Democracy and Islam do not mix. Our "leaders" in Washington really should have done their homework on the region and they would have come to the same conclusion. And it is disturbing when I know more about the Sunni/Shia schism then the head of the Congressional foreign affairs committee. What is the over/under on how much money we waste on this fiasco?


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