Virtual Daycare
Paul McNamara calls attention to yet another slimy tort lawyer desperately seeking a way to steal millions. From the San Francisco Chronicle:
As Paul says, "quick, somebody find me a word that's more ridiculous than ridiculous." The suit is an obvious money grab, and will hopefully appear before a judge who tosses the lawyer out on his ear.
But I have to agree with one thing: a great many virtual communities are a lot like daycare centers. Lots of screaming, crying, petulance, whining, scuffles, and the occasional puddle of puke in the corner--like Digg for example.
In separate suits filed this week in Los Angeles Superior Court, an attorney for the families said the virtual site is like a day care facility or a restaurant that didn't adequately protect its customers.
"These virtual sites are no different," said Jason Itkin, a Houston attorney representing the families. "MySpace has not taken the steps necessary to protect its customers."
As Paul says, "quick, somebody find me a word that's more ridiculous than ridiculous." The suit is an obvious money grab, and will hopefully appear before a judge who tosses the lawyer out on his ear.
But I have to agree with one thing: a great many virtual communities are a lot like daycare centers. Lots of screaming, crying, petulance, whining, scuffles, and the occasional puddle of puke in the corner--like Digg for example.
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