Not Moving On Yet
The gnat-brains over at have over-reacted again. Not exactly news, I know.
Is Soros going to run out of money anytime soon? Because I'm tired of listening to these politically inept banshees.
Is Soros going to run out of money anytime soon? Because I'm tired of listening to these politically inept banshees.
200,000 signatures from people who basically said “Yes Please spam the hell out of me!”??? I need to get my hands on MoveOn’s Spam list, see how many hits I get on a petition making Kenny Rodgers Supreme Overlord of Universe.
Merely one universe? How unimaginative of you. You've got to think unrealistically if you want to get their votes.
Try for: Grand High Puumba HMFIC Padishah Overlord Emperator to All Denizens of the Known and Unexplored Eight-Dimensional Multiverse (tm)(c)(r).
hmmm chicks with eight dimensional boobs.....unexplored at that...Yes I agree I need to rule thier as well.
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