Pull the Pin
Eschewing the roadrage handgun threatening schtick as old hat, some really ugly chick named Al brandished inert grenades at one of her fellow motorists. That was stupid, but this is asinine:
Sergeant Perlich could be a moron.
"This motorist could have thought that he was going to have a live grenade tossed at him. He could have taken some kind of action that could have led to a wreck up there on Central Expressway and several people could have ended up dying as a result of this," said Sgt. Kevin Perlich with the Richardson Police Department.
Sergeant Perlich could be a moron.
It is so unfortunate we have so many geniuses on the roadway in Texas.
I have to hand it to this lady for originality. If I was an NRA member I would have pulled my hunting rifle off the gun rack in my pickup truck and shot that crazy bitch, then I'd have her mounted in my den next to all my other dead exotics.
Since I'm not a member I would have simply let her pass my vehicle on the highway.
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